I want to raise a son, because I want happy daughters

All eyebrows will be raised if I say, I want a baby boy and not a baby girl. For the fact, I always wanted a baby girl, I have a beautiful 16 months old daughter, and in the process of raising her, I badly want to raise a boy. But what actually made me feel this??

Being in 2020, I thought there would be no difference between raising a boy or a girl. And I never did that for my daughter. But to my surprise, people around me were much bothered about how I raise my DAUGHTER and not my child. Something which I usually heard being said to my daughter was : Girls don't play like this, they don't keep jumping around all time, girls don't roam around without a nappy, girls don't shout, etc. These were just some of the talks which my 16 month daugher was told, who didn't even knew the difference between a boy and a girl. And I realised that nothing was said intentionally but something that is being heard and said since generations. But I am sure I don't want to pass this to next generation.

I want to raise a boy who's is having same rights and responsibilities that my daughter has.

Some specific things which I feel if imparted to child in their early childhood, will help to raise a more independent son and more happy daughter.

- Assigning them house hold chores in the same way as the daughters are assigned. 

- Teaching them that crying is no sign of weakness. Infact crying and making a path through your problems is the biggest strength. A crying women is not a weak lady nor is a crying man.

- Cooking to meet up your hunger pangs is not a women's responsibility. It is a shared responsibility. Both boys and girls should know basic cooking to meet their daily needs.

- Men are not superior to women, nor are women superior to men. Treating both the genders equally is a must. Neither should dominant the other.

- Men are allowed to take their stand and speak up their mind, but the same thing is not accepted by a women.But if your mother, sister or wife is speaking up for herself, stand for her, support her.

- You be your own decision maker and let your mother, sister, wife, daughter be independent financially, emotionally and physically. Don't try to decide things for them. 

- Respect every women for the way she is. Judging a girl based on her looks, body, behaviour is not your job. Mind your own business.

A man's approach towards life, towards people and specially towards women, is developed during his early days of childhood. Only teaching doesn't help. Kids learn what they see. Maintaining a equal staus of a man and woman at home is the first step towards raising a more compassionate and empathetic son.

I am not against any mother how they decide to or are raising their son or daughter. These are purely my thoughts of how I would like to raise my son.


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