Are YOU ready to become parents?

When are you planning babies? This is one of the most common question that every married couple has to answer. And most of us casually reply with a fake smile "SOON". But are you really ready to be parents, or its the social pressure that's forcing you to become parents.

Lets check out are YOU really ready for becoming a responsible parent. Here are some of the direct questions I would want you to answer to yourself before taking a step towards one of the biggest responsibility... and that too for lifetime.

Do u really want to have a baby or its because of the some underlying reason like loneliness, boredom, age factor, family pressure,or any other. As wanting a baby to get over any disturbing factor will not solve the underlying problem. Infact it puts an unknowing pressure on the baby to help you overcome your problem. Have baby only for the reason of WANTING TO HAVE A BABY.

Becoming parents is one of the biggest decision that one takes as a couple, so undoubtedly both the partners need to agree on common grounds. Its a individual's choice of wanting to be a parent or not,  and should not be forced on either of the partner. As conceiving inspite of mutual disagreement leads the entire process of parenthood to be burdensome and forceful.

To give love to your baby its very important to love and respect your relationship as a couple. Whatever feelings are shared between the couple,it could positive or negative will get transferred to the baby. Ensure that your relation is rock solid before giving birth to a new relationship of being parents.

Both the parents should ensure physical fitness with no underlying disease which could raise a cause of concern for the baby's health. If any of the parents are carriers of hereditary disease, precautions should be take to avoid its transfer to the baby. Health of father is as important as that of mother.

As per experts, your state of mind is one of the key factor affecting the babys overall growth and emotional stability. Infact the couples mental healthy of preceding 6 months before conceiving also affects the overall well-being. Being low on stress levels and mentally stable is as important as physical health.

Be aware that as conceiving a baby is your independent decision, even raising a baby has to be done independently. Expecting your parents or in laws to take care of your baby is unfair on your part. Plan for a baby, if you, as a couple are ready to make lifestyle changes and take whole and sole responsibility of parenthood.

Maintaining a work life balance is important for both the parents. A child need attention of mother as well as father. In India, a mother is usually expected to give up on all her dreams to raise a child. I personally dont support this thought, but being a mother myself, i do agree that in initial months of parenthood a baby needs mother the most. I would not suggest you to give up on your dreams or job but make sure to have a plan how would you manage to fulfil them and being the best version of the mother you want to be.

These are just some of the points that one need to think about as a couple before conceiving. To have best parenthood YOUR WANT to be parents is most important.


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