Motherhood doesn't come with a RULE BOOK

Motherhood!!! What do I say, it came to me when I least expected it. I wanted to embrace motherhood since long but when it actually came I realised I had never thought it could be a full time job with lots of responsibility, selflessness, sacrifice, smiles, sorrows, tears, happiness, and what no. Motherhood is filled with all emotions possible.

Over the period of one year of motherhood I realised that every mother is different from other. Infact the way I parent my baby is different from the way my own mother parented me. But that doesn't make me more incorrect or my mother more correct. On giving a deep thought over it, i understood that as every kid is different every mother has to be different as two situations cannot be handled in same way even two kids cannot be handled in same way. I started believing more in the way I bought up my baby,  till now I always doubted them as people around me always had some different opinions. But their opinions came from their experiences which were correct to their situation but not for my baby. This made me more independent and confident mom. Infact I can surely say a mother's instinct is always correct than the advice given by the best doctor also. And as shocker for me, this words came to me from my pre natal doctor herself and they are true in all sense.

To be frank, it's not that I dint make any mistakes by following my methods, I made, infact many. But motherhood is not with some rule book or has any fixed formulas that it can't go wrong. Initially accepting mistakes as a mother was tough, but later I got used to it and accepted it for the fact that till the time I am a mother I am bound to make mistakes but accepting them, even before your kids and rectifying them was more important. I started feeling less guilty and was ready to experiment with my motherhood. It helped me create a better bond with my lil one.

This is blog is for all those hard working mothers who are putting more than their best foot ahead to raise the best child. It's to shares those experiences, feel less guilty, celebrate small happiness, cry out when you just want to give me, and everything that you experience in motherhood.

I am a learning mom, it's just small effort from my end to share whatever has helped me to become a happy mother and would love to know even your view on the same to become a happier mother.

This blog will contain:
- Informative blogs
- Personal blogs
- Recipes
- Food charts month wise
- Reviews on products
- Activities for kids


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