Have you conceived mentally but not physically?

It does sound weird that you have already conceived mentally but not physically. Every women surely thinks about conceiving, embracing motherhood and how perfect mother she would turn out to be. All these thoughts are in your mind even before conceiving physically.

But is physically conceiving same as mentally conceiving??? Lets see.

There are certain things which you always expect when you think of motherhood irrespective that you are pregnant or planning to conceive:

- Conceiving Naturally
- Smooth sailing pregnancy
- Eating healthy and nutritious foods
- Exercising regularly
- Ensuring to maintain sound mental and spiritual health
- Easy child birth

 Not to be pessimistic but physically conceiving is way different from conceiving mentally. Some of the below reasons play major role in making your boring pregnancy a roller coaster ride.
They are the real culprit. They control your emotions, physical wellness, your mental health. Your normal behavior changes drastically and they is nothing much you can do about it.

Your thinking process slows down as compared to the normal functioning and it takes almost 6 months post delivery for the brain to function normally.

As your uterus expands, the adjoining organs shrink so that the baby has enough space to grow and feel at home. So now you know why a pregnant lady spends half her time in loo.

There are many women who would experience some or all of these changes during the course of 9 months. You can see your eyebrows weither away... legs swollen that you can barely walk.... breakouts all pver the face... ans the last but mostly gifted to all is STRETCH MARKS.

The smells which never bothered you can easily make you turn off and even make to puke the wholesome meal you just had a while ago.

As believed sleep is distributed only after child birth but your lil munchkin can even give you tough time during pregnancy. As babies love to move when you sleep and make sure to give you a good company when rest of the world is sleeping peacefully.
May be these are enough reasons to give you a real face of what pregnancy actually is, but at the end when you hear the first heartbeat, hear the first cry and the feeling of holding your baby for the first time is just beyond what you can think of. Surely pregnancy has its own phyy and metal challenges but it also gives you the best happiness in your life.


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