Can an overtired mom become more insensitive and easily triggered?

Being a full time mom isn't an easy job. Most of the mothers are usually tired doing their office work, cooking, laundry, cleaning, and most importantly taking care of their little tots. There is hardly any room left for doing something that helps them reliving stress or getting enough rest to ensure stable emotional, physical and metal health.

I was going through this same phase, I had no house help, husband had his office and my lil one was 14 months old which means needed full time attention as well as assistance. I could barely get time for even taking a shower or for that sake visiting loo. I was super tired and exhausted. I just had night times where I could do what I would want to, but at the day end I was tired enough to do nothing but to just hit my bed. But if my luck wasn't good enough, even during night times my lil one would give me company and help me be active even till early morning. I just dint know how to manage all this.

Initially, things dint matter much. I would try and take naps to cover up my night sleep or try postponing some household chores to get rest. But as days passed the work piled up and I strated getting more tired and more frustrated. And it came out in some or the other form on my lil one and my husband. Any small thing could just trigger the shit out of me. I had become a anger machine which just needed a soft touch to start off. Once after a farely manageable day, when my baby was just crying for no reason I just lost it and scolded her at top of my voice ... Yes I did that because I was sleepy and she dint want to sleep, which made so angry and restless and I just couldn't control my words and actions. 
At this point I realised that it was not the lil one who could trigger me, but it's my tiredness that's actually making me fall for all this. I decided to do this little things so that I make a happy space in my house for all of us :

- I made sure to give atleast 7-8 hours of rest to my body. I knew without this much rest my body will start creating stress hormones and screwing up things badly.

- Made a time table about my baby and not for my baby. This actually means that, when are the times when my baby is very playful and I can let her play alone, so I can finish my work simultaneously by just keeping an eye on her. This will help me nap when she's napping.

- Made sure to plan the food menu for the entire day the previous night and save on some time in preparation. Additionally I tried to match our food menu with my lil one's so I need not make multiple lunches or dinners.

- I kept minimum half an hour for myself. That's just me time not even for my husband, daughter, parents no one. Just me and my thoughts or anything that I loved to do.

- I started putting on music during day time, and to suprise me, my daughter started playing alone for a little longer.Music gave me mental peace as well as more time to finish my work without interruption.

- I revamped my baby's routine and matched her lunch and dinner timings with ours so that she would eat along with us,which not only saved my 2 hours a day but also reduced my running behind her to feed her.

- I started grooming myself. I realised I have just become a mother, but the women in my still wants to look beautiful, be pampered, and be appreciated by her husband. I started small things like apply nail paint, putting on the clothes which I loved, stopped having a bun 24*7, working out a lil. This made me feel happy looking myself in the mirror.

- I started getting in touch with my friends whom I had not spoken to since my birth as a mother. It gave me a life beyond motherhood and I made sure I speak least about my baby and more about other topics.
To my surprise these small changes helped me give myself more rest, more me time and most importantly a happy me. Somewhere the positivity in me bought an over all chnage in the house and also in my baby and I started reacting calmly to her and her breakdowns.


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