5 ways to convince an adamant toddler

Being a mother comes with many responsibilities toward your baby. Some of them can be adjusted with, but some of them can never be compromised upon. Few things on which mothers are never ready to give up are : baby getting right nutrition, baby learning things the right way, mannerism, a peaceful sleep and so on.

But is it a cake walk to achieve them?? Not really. If you are a adamant mother who is not ready to compromise and who's toddler is another lil adamant who just wants to do things his or her way, then coming to consensus is difficult and most of the time it's the mother who gives up to  baby's wish. 

Here are 5 tried and tested ways which ensure to get things done from your lil adamant munchkin in your way.

1. Relax when the situation demands
When your baby is in dominant mode, and if at the same time, you try to force your wish on her the situation can get too messy. For time being, leave the things where they are. Let your baby calm down before staring the process again. For eg: You are feeding your baby and come what may she just refuses to eat, forcing her to eat at that moment will get things out of control. Leave the baby for sometime. Let her settle with some game or other activity, try and soothe her and again try feeding her. It will surely work.
2. Maintaining silence instead of yelling
I know the emotion when your toddler does exactly the opposite of what you say, it's super annoying and frustrating. But shouting at kid to make them do things, complicates it and makes them retaliate often. Instead, keeping silence works wonders. For eg : It's nap time and your kid just wants to play but not sleep. Shouting at her to put her to sleep will definitely make her more cranky and possibly she would no longer be drowsy to sleep. Instead, just leave her in her cot with some of her safe toys, gradually she will soothe herself and go off to sleep. Keeping silence cuts the unnecessary drama.
3. Accepting that your method is not the only method.
As individuals, we all do things differently. Teaching your kids to do certain things in certain way is always good, but expecting them do copy it identically is not good. Let them explore their creativity. For eg : In our childhood we were never allowed to paint on walls or windows, but these days kids explore their imagination by art. Infact in today's time, window painting and wall painting is a well recognised art form. Encourage them to explore.
4. Allowing them to do thing which help them learn
There could be certain things that you kids would just want to do irrespective you trying to convince them the other way. Allowing non educational activity, which actually help them learn should be encouraged. Don't force them to do what you feel will impart knowledge. Every activity surely teaches them something. For eg : A 14 month toddler taking her hand towel and mopping the floor. I am sure no sensible parent would allow that. But if you analyse it, your baby is developing her motor skill, she is coordinating her eyes, hands and legs movement. Infact I had allowed my lil one to do so, and it amazed me that in 2 to 3 days she started mopping only at those places where she found any stains or trash. That was her mental development of why that activity is carried out along with her developed motor skills.
5. Diverting them to something they love
There are some situations where your kid just refuses to understand and has lost complete control of her emotions. At that point making them understand anything is nothing but vain, but just hugging them, soothing them and diverting them to something that would help them forget the trigger point and feel relaxed is a savior. For eg : Once I was feeding my baby and she happened to throw up in between. The puke was all over her. She was just 10 months then and was scared to see something all over her. She just wept uncontrollably and ended throwing up a lot more. We just couldn't calm her with anything but I knew she loved shower bath and water always helped her calm down. I filled her bath tub and put her in it and within minutes she was fine and forgot what actually triggered her.
Basically to sum it up, whenever a kid is adamant for something we parents need to act mature, divert or even accept at some point. Amongst the two of us one need to act as an adult and expecting it from a year old toddler is not fair. Kids are still developing their emotions and are not aware of what is actually triggering their loud emotions. We as parents and care givers should help them direct their emotions to the right path.

Hope this helps all those moms struggling to convince their lil independent decision makers.


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