Games for Virtual Birthday Party

Who doesn't loves celebrating kids birthday? Infact, parent just wait to make this day most special for their lil ones. We celebrate it with so much enthusiasm and creativity. But due to the Covid-19 Pandemic all has come to standstill. But parents have found a new way to party and that is Virtual Birthday Party.

We just celebrated my niece's bday virtually last week, and I know it's such a huge task to arrange a video call connecting 40- 50 people at one go and making sure all feel a part of the event.

One thing on which we racked our brain was, what games to make the kids play virtually. We know 100's of games which we can play in person but hardly few of them can be played virtually. 

So here is a list of few games which can be played for kids virtual party.

Frame the correct picture
Kids love playing zigsaw and what better than making them play virtually. Select an imag, crop it in 4 small images and arrange it randomly. Now assign a number to each image. Show both the images to the kids and ask the kids to arrange the cropped picture to make the correct image.
Housie is another game which is enjoyed by kids of all age. But it's not a number housies. As we all have a certain theme for our party, the housie will be based on that theme. For eg : Birthday Party Theme is Rainbow. So for each number assign a word connected to rainbow. Like Sun, clouds, rain, colors of rainbow etc. Send this list to the kids before the party and ask them to select any 15 words and make their personalised housie ticket. Now play the housie like a normal one, but instead of numbers call out the words attached to it.
Treasure Hunt
So let's do this in a different way. This treasure hunt is played in 3 parts.
- Name of the Birthday Girl/Boy
Get one thing from the house which contains the letter of Birthday Girl's or Boy's name. eg : Aaradhya. So this will be played 8 time. The kids have to get things from all the eight letters. One letter at a time.
- Age of the Birthday Girl/Boy
Suppose it's 7th Birthday. So kids have to bring 7 same things or 7 things of same color.
-Birthday Theme
Keeping the theme as Rainbow, kids have to get any one thing related to the theme. For example anything for any color of the rainbow.

Mask painting
Masks have become more fashionable and trendy with the passage of Pandemic. Let's show our creativity and paint the mask together. Finding a cloth mask at most of the houses should not be difficult. Or else, if possible the host can also give a mask and fabric paint to the kids if possible. 

Dance Party
Play those favourite songs of your kids and let him shake it up. Also add in some action songs where the kids do the actions played in the songs. 

Guess and Sing
Show different objects to the kids, and ask them to recite any poetry or song that contains the objects name in it. Eg Star, Heart, Teady bear, etc 

Show your Creativity
Ask every kid to draw the initial letter of his/her name and decorate it displaying an object which starts with their initial letter.
 eg a for ant, or c for caterpilla

Hope this blog helps you find some interesting games for your party. Do share in your comments.


  1. This is so uselful and entertaining

  2. Thank you so much. Do read our other blog and give your feedback.


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