What's the right age to introduce books to babies?

“A room without books is like a body without a soul".This say completely defines me. I love books. Infact during my pregnancy, more that 2 hours a day were just spent on reading books from different genres. And being a book lover, I always wanted my baby to have a liking towards it. But how does one do that? Is it really possible? How soon can I introduce books to my baby? I will share you my experience of how I created this important bond between BOOKS and BABIES.

1. Start as soon as you conceive
 I know it does sound weird to read book to a baby who is just 5 weeks old and that too in your tummy. I had started reading to my baby by 7th week of my pregnancy. As i loved reading, I unknowingly started reading it out to my baby also.
2. Read it loud
Whatever you are reading read it loud. It may be of any genre. Baby can listen in the womb from 4th month. They start recognising different sounds and the hearing growth keeps happening. I used to read aloud story books, romantic books, spiritual books and even psychological books. Out of these only story books were related to my baby, but other genre definitely increased her knowledge and vocabulary.

3. Baby can actually see the books.
When babies are born their vision is still under development. By 3rd month the baby can recognise moving objects. This is the time to start showing you baby pocket books or flash cards with huge objects. Baby still can't view the tiny details. Try showing larger pictures and keep repeating one book atleast for 3 days at a stretch before moving to the next one.
4. Baby can distinguish between colors
By 5th month baby can start seeing different Colors. Start showing colorful books. As their vision is developing, new colors get them excited.More the colors more interested they are. My little one use to love the colors and shapes book. 

5. Continue with story books like before.
Showing them new books is just an addition to the story books you made your lil one hear in your womb. In fact, your baby will remember those stories and connect to them once out of the womb. I used to read out Akbar Birbal to Aaradhya when she was in my womb and now she's a year old, and at times, she would give me Akbar Birbal book out of her other collection and ask me to read it out.

6. Give them a variety to select from
These days there are different types of books available
- Pocket Books
- Touch and Feel Books
- Musical Books
- Story Books
Giving them exposure will increase their interest and expand their knowledge base.
7. Your baby has started developing interest 
After introduction to different books, I realised Aaradhya is a better viewer than listener. She developed more interest towards pocket books and picture books than story books. She started matching objects from the books with her toys. For eg : She has animal set of farm animals, so she started matching cow with the picture cow.

8. Give what your baby demands
Every baby will like different type of books. Don't force any specific book on your kid. It's will create disinterest. Let them choose as per their intellect and liking. This will boost their willing to read as they grow.

We as parents invest a lot in toys and other games for children's entertainment. Due to digital world we are using tabs and iPads more than books. But books will always remain important for human beings. It actually is your companion. I request all the parents reading this blog, please invest in good quality books, reading books is as important as knowing technology.


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