8 Do's and Don'ts during planning Pregnancy

When a couple plans for a baby, the process starts with lots of excitement and positivity. In fact, few lucky ones get pregnant in one or two try, but most of us would take nearly six months to a year to get pregnant. But what if it goes beyond that? It can really pull down all the positivity and energy.

Conceiving naturally can get really hard for some of us.To add it up, if any of our family or friend conceives sooner, it adds extra stress and pressure on us. It causes turmoil of emotions, but there are certain Do's and Dont's which can help us overcome this emotional lockdown.

1.Don't Compare
While your are trying for a baby, you surely know someone who is also trying for one. Don't compare yourself to them if they happen to conceive sooner, as you really don't know since how long they have been trying.Comparing yourself with others can create inferiority complex and affects pregnancy. Two persons are different and so is their process of pregnancy..

2. Don't let pregnancy be the only focus
Failing attempts of pregnancy make us focus more on it, but the fact is the more you focus on it, it's faliure will affect you more. Let's the process of conceiving go hand in hand with your routine life.De-focus yourself from the process of pregnancy and let sex be a intimate affair rather that a stressful process done only for conceiving.

3.Don't let it disturb your marriage
Many couples reach a point where they would blame one another for continuous failures to get pregnant. This is the moment where you as a couple should stand strong and together. Don't let the process of becoming parents hamper your current relationship status of husband and wife. Try to be each other's support stystem rather than critics.

4.Don't let the world matter
Once people know that you are trying to conceive and not getting pregnant, they will keep bothering your every month with same question."Are you Pregnant?" And this can be really torturing. Firstly,wanting a baby is your personal decision as a couple and need not be officially announced to the world. secondly, if you have already done it, be strong enough to pay no attention to any of their comments.
5.Don't test for pregnancy without visible symptoms
After continuous efforts every month, you expect to conceive, and awaiting to take a pregnancy test. But don't take a pregnancy test unless you have passed your expected period date atleast by 5 days and you visibly see pregnancy syptoms and feel them. Undertaking a pregnant test in itself raises a hope of being pregnant, and a negative pregnancy test will make you feel more disheartened about the whole process.

6. Do spend some quality time as couple
Failing to get pregnant not only affects the women but also disturbs a man emotionally. Most of time, in such situations, only a women is provide with extra love and care but it's even the man who needs the same. Spend time with your partner. Talk with your partner. Understand his situation.Do some activities together, meet your family, friends or do whatever little things that makes your bond stronger.
7. Do live happily
A happy couple gives birth to a happy child. Being happy as an individual as well as a couple during the entire process of pregnancy is really important. To get pregnant is one of the aspect of life, concentrating all the energy and time towards it doesn't help you achieve it earlier. We understand, not getting pregnant can really be frustrating and self introspective but don't make yourself feel worthless, as your worth as a person is much more that just getting pregnant. 

8. Do what u love
While trying to conceive, engage yourself in your job or profession or any activity that keeps you busy as well works as a stress buster. This will help you feeling relaxed and emotionally balanced.

Be Happy!! Trying for pregnancy is part of life and not life. The lil bundle of joy is an addition to your existing happy life.


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