Ideal weight of babies, toddlers and kids upto 5 years.

During the early years of childhood a baby's weight and height are the basic parameters to measure it's normal growth. Especially, mother of a new born baby is most paranoid about babies weight more that it's height. In the initial 6 months after birth, baby's normal weight growth is the biggest sign that the baby is healthy. 

On average, babies need to gain from birth to three months 150-200 grams per week. We generally allow for a two-week time frame after birth for them to regain their birth weight. From three to six months a gain of 100-150 grams per week. From six to 12 months a gain of 70-90 grams per week.

As boys and girls are physically different, the ideal height and weight for a boy and a girl is also different. Below is the chart showing ideal weight and height for both the genders upto 5 years.



These are just average range of height and weight. The factors that could affect the weight and height of a baby are:

- Hereditary : If either or both the parents are either slim or obese or short or tall then a child weight and height can be different from the average standards.

- Lifestyle : Depending on the nutritional intake the height and weight of a baby gets affected. Junk foods can adversely affect the normal growth.

- Activeness : Some kids are super active and tend to burn calories faster resulting in slow weight gain, or the contrary a calmer kid may gain weight faster.

- Health Condition : If a baby had any underlying health condition it could hamper the normal growth.

To increase the weight of baby with healthy food here is a LIST OF WEIGHT GAINING FOOD.

A baby's height and weight could be above or below these ranges and still they are perfectly healthy. They are just one parameter for growth measurements, and should not be worried upto extensively.


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