How LONG does it take to get PREGNANT

The decision to become parents is a big one in itself. Once a couple starts family planning, they expect to conceive in one or two trys. But every women is physically different, hence every women takes different frame of time to get pregnant. There is a long process that happens after having sex that leads to PREGNANCY. Every Intercourse does not leads to pregnancy. Hence, everytime having unprotected sex does not result in pregnancy.

In general, a fertile couple conceives within a year. Out of 100 couples trying to conceive naturally:
  • 20 will conceive within one month
  • 72 will conceive within six months
  • 84 will conceive within one year
  • 92 will conceive within two years
Fertility of the couple, plays a key factor in deciding how long a couple would take to get pregnant.

Assuming the couple is fertile, the other important factors that affect the ability to get pregnant are :

Quality of egg
A women has her best quality of eggs in her twenties, leading to a quicker and healthier pregnancy. As a women ages, the quality of egg deteriorates and the quantity of egg decreases, thus the ability of the egg to mature and fertilize drops leading to longer time to get pregnant.

Quality of sperm
Though there is not much study about the effect of sperm on getting pregnant, but as a man ages the sperm quality decreases which may lead to miscarriage, birth defect and abnormalities in pregnancy.

Physical health of the couple is important. Maintaining a healthy weight, balanced diet, regular excercise is of utmost importance. If either or both of the partners are smokers or alcoholic the time to get pregnant would be longer than normal,as it affects the sperm count and egg quality.

A women in her initial twenties is most fertile and conceives easily. Usually a healthy couple upto the age of 35 would take somewhere between 6 months to 18 months to get pregnant. Couples above 35 years of age could take 1-2 years to get pregnant.

In today's competitive world, most of the people are under different levels of stress. Our day to day activities do cause mild stress. But if there are any major stress issues which need to be settled, ensure settling them first as stress is the biggest culprit in delaying PREGNANCY.

Be patient if you are taking a little longer than your friends to get pregnant. Even if your are Fertile, having a healthy life style, still in your 20's or 30's and unable to get pregnant don't freak out. There are chances that u are doing something wrong some where. Find out in our next blog.


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