Does every INTERCOURSE leads to PREGNANCY ?

Having unprotected intercourse leads to pregnancy, but not every intercourse leads to pregnancy. Most of us know, that having sex leads to pregnancy, but most of us don't know what actually happens after sex that leads to pregnancy.

First let us understand what are the major organs of a women's reproductive system that play role in Pregnancy.
- Uterus
- Ovaries
- Fallopine Tubes
- Cervix
- Vagina

Now let's understand how SEX Leads to PREGNANCY. The sequence of the events would be :

1. From day 6th-14th, from the start date of period cycle, eggs in the ovaries start to mature.

2. On around 14th day, from the start date of period cycle, only ONE MATURE EGG is released from either of the ovaries. This is called as ovalution.

3. After the release of the egg, it travels to either of the two fallopine tubes.

4. The egg stays in the fallopine tubes for the next 48 hours maximum, waiting for a sperm to penetrate and fertilize it.
5. On having unprotected sex, until the egg is in the fallopine tube, the ejaculated sperms travel from the vagina through the cervix to the uterus and then reach the fallopine tube.

6. Out of millions of ejaculated sperms, only one sperm intergrates with the egg in the fallopine tube and fertilizes.

7. Once a sperm penetrates into the mature egg, no other sperm can enter the egg. This is called fertilization and takes around 24 hours.

8.This fertilized egg takes around 3 to 4 days to travel from fallopine tube to the uterus.

9. On reaching the uterus the fertilized egg implants itself to the uterus lining.This is called implantation and is the START OF PREGNANCY.

Some helful facts about the EGG and SPERMS are :
- A women is born with all the eggs she will have during her life time. She never produces any new egg. Out of the already existing eggs only one egg matures per month to fertilize.

- Life of sperm is longer than life of egg. A sperm can live upto 5 days post insertion in a women's vagina, whereas the life of matured egg is not more than 48 hours maximum.

- The contractions caused by a women's orgasm pushes the sperms to move faster to the fallopine tubes helping it reach the egg sooner.

- Sperms are of two types : Male and Female. Male sperms have short life with faster mobility and female sperms have long life with slow mobility.

This is some basic information on the entire process of conceiving. We have tried to use the most simple terms and very basic language to explain the same. 

If there are no medical complications then a couple would conceive within few monthsof having unprotected sex. But how long does it actually takes to conceive naturally?? Click on the blue link to know.


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