Benefits of Breast Feeding for Mom and Baby

Every pregnant women wishes to exclusively breast feed her baby. Irrespective of delivering via normal delivery or C-Section, feeding baby from the day of delivery is possible. It's the mother who needs to be firm and should have well instructed the hospital staff to not give formula milk to the baby without prior permission.

While most of the mothers want to exclusively breast feed the baby, very few really know what are the benefits for both mother and child.

Benefits of breast feeding for the baby.

Immunity Booster

Breast milk is one of the best immunity Booster for the baby. It protects the baby from allergies, diabetes, other diseases. It has anti oxidants which help strengthen the resistance power of the baby.

It is claimed by the doctors that babies who are exclusively breast fed intellectually outgrow those babies who are formula fed. Breast feeding has effect on their long term brain development.

Healthy Weight gain
Even formula fed babies have weight gain. But breast fed babies have healthy weight gain. For eg : Fats lead to weight gain, but there are healthy fats which lead to healthy fat gain and there are trans fats which lead to unhealthy weight gain.

Nutrition as per age and gender
Breast feed is age and gender specific. While watching one of the video, I came across this fact that the breast milk keeps changing as the child grows in its consistency as well as the nutritional content. Infact the breast milk is of different composition for baby girl and baby boy.

Benefits of Breast Feeding for Mother
Contraction of uterus
As the baby feeds the mother's uterus contracts and over the period of 6 months, the uterus gets back to its original shape and size. This helps initiate the normal menstruation cycle as well.

Weight reduction
When a mother breast feeds, the body uses the accumulated fats to produce milk and meets baby's daily milk requirements. Over eating to increase milk supply hinders this natural process. Your body will automatically ensure to make enough milk by using the unwanted fats and help lose the excess weight.

Reduces chances post partum depression.
There is a chemical produced in the mothers body on child birth and while breastfeeding . This chemical has anti anxiety effect which helps reducing the risk of post partum depression which is very common and affects atleast 15% of women post child birth.

Breast feed is one of the best gift from mother to baby and the only gift which no one else can give the baby. Having said this, if due to any reason you are unable to exclusively breast feed your baby, don't be under the guilt. As every mother always tries to give the best to her baby.


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