Why your Baby is not eating food?

Most of the babies are introduced to solids on completion of 6 months of age. Some babies respond to it positively and accept whatever is offered to them , while some babies take time to get used to the new change. Infact, most of the babies and toddlers go through this phase when they don't eat as per parents expectations. There could be multiple reasons for this depending upon the age of the baby or toddler.

So here is a list of reasons along with possible solution.

1. Not ready for solids yet
All babies are not necessarily ready for introduction to solids on completion of 6 months. Forcing them might not help. But at the same time, it's necessary to start some solids for babies post 6 months as breast milk might not be able to meet there required energy and nutrition requirment.
Solution : Try introducing stage 1 solids in liquid consistency same as that of breast milk. This might help the baby develop a liking for new taste keeping the consistency constant. As the baby starts accepting this for a week or so, consistency should be thickened gradually.
2. Not hunger
Sometime babies or toddlers might not be hungry even after having considerable gap between two meals. There could be multiple reasons for this like the previous meal could be loaded with calories, baby has be relatively less active so less calories burnt.
Solution : Keep a record of foods after which your baby is usually fuller for long time. This helps in avoiding force feeding. After heavy meals always give fruits or soup as next meal so the kid has it happily.

3. Sleepy or Overtired
A sleepy or an overtired baby is more cranky and fussy. So if the kids is hungry as well as sleepy at the same time, she will definitely choose sleep over food. Trying to convince them to eat become a difficult process.
Solution : Maintain a time-table about baby's sleeping schedule. Make sure to feed your baby well in time before she becomes too sleepy to eat.

4. Texture of the food

As the kid grows from baby to toddler, there is transition on food texture from liquid to semi solids to solids. Possibly your baby is still not ready for the transition from one phase to another. Don't be in hurry, go as per baby's pace and the baby will eat happily. There is even a possibility that the baby had started eating solid and would want to return back to semi soild. Don't hesitate. Feed as per baby's demand.
Solution : Try to give different textures of food to the baby. Every baby has a liking for specific texture. Make a note of it and try to give different taste but same texture.
5. Consistency of the food
Babies are first fed with liquidy food and gradually the consistency is thickened. Again let baby decide when she's ready for the change. You as parent just need to understand the hints the baby is giving that she is ready for the change. One of the biggest hint is rejecting the current consistency offered to the baby. She either needs more liquidy or more thicker.
Solution : Keep trying different consistency if the baby is not having the presently fed food. As baby's preferences change as they grow.

6. Teething
One of the worst phase of childhood is the teething phase. It gives a hard time to both mom and baby. So when a baby is teething, she might be having fever which may result in loss of taste, loose motions which leads to upset stomach, or any other symptoms which makes her a choosy eater during that phase.
Solution : During this phase some kids like liquid food like porridge which doesn't need much of chewing. On other hand some kids like crispy stuff which helps them bite and soothe their gums. Try different foods with your kids to know what she prefers during this phase.
7. Self feed
Every baby goes through this phase at different age, when she wants to self feed. But they are too small to be able to eat properly. As they watch us eating ourself, even they want to eat on their own and they reject the food being fed by others.
Solution : Try giving more finger food options. Giving them food which is less messy, easy to self feed and filling is important. Food like Paratha, soft and boiled vegetables, fruits, pancakes can be give to them for helping them learn to self feed.

Hope this write up has helped to find the reason as well as the solution to your feeding problem.


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