Pink or blue, boy or girl : Who is responsible?

Though we are in 2020, there are so many families, infact even the going to be father or mother who desire to only have Baby Boy. I know it sounds unreal but it's a sad truth. 

But what's are reason? Why does a family wants to have a boy but not a girl?

Specifically talking about India, there are numerous unreasonable reasons behind this thinking.

Family Heritage
A boy will take forward the family heritage, but a girl will get married any follow someone else's heritage.

When the boy gets married, the grooms family receives dowry I e many valuable gift and money, which needs to be given by the girls family i.e bride family. So it's beleived that a boy will get money and a daughter will take away all the money. Though dowry is illegal is India it's atill practiced but only the term is used is " gifts out of love and affection".

A boy will take care of the family business and follow the family legacy and a girl is considered incompetent to do so.

Yardstick of Retirement
A boy will take care of his parents during old age, but a daughter will get married and go to someone else's house to serve someone else's parents.
Change in thinking is the most important thing, but it comes as a surprise that even the younger generation is of this opinion. In today's era, education has become a key changing element. If the parents of a daughter utilized the money they save for their daughters marriage for her education, it's possible for their daughters to fulfill all their wishes that they expected from a son. It's a women who needs to stand for her rights and bring the change. Women need to stand together and suppy each other for the upliftment of coming generations.

Who is actually responsible for a girl or a boy?
But to top all of this, when a lady delivers a baby girl and not a boy it's the mother of the baby who is blames for giving birth to a girl and not a boy. But how many of them really know that it's the father of the baby whose sperms decide the gender and not the mother of the baby. YES, that's a scientific fact. A male is born with XY chromosomes and a female is born with XX chromosomes. If the father's X chromosome mates with mothers X chromosome it's a Girl and if the father's Y chromosome mates with mother X it's a baby Boy. In either case mother chromosome is X it's the father's chromosome which is X or Y, which actually decides the gender of the baby.
We don't intend to hurt those parents who have always wanted a girl. But this blog is just an eye opener for those who have always been wanting a boy, who have even aborted on knowing it's a girl, who have denied same lifestyle for a son and daughter, who have always considered their daughters as a burden. Please don't differentiate between a son and daughter. Both are your off springs and both have equal right on everything. Do set a example of responsible parenting so that the future generation have a better way of approaching parenthood.


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