Why should I pretend to like everyone around ?

Do all of us like everyone whom we meet in our life ? I am sure we don't, but most of us pretend to like whoever we meet. We are taught from childhood days that we should talk nicely to everyone, everyone around is a good human being, we should not be rude to anyone, etc. I respect all those childhood values but that doesn't mean I should like everyone.

 I was never a pretend kind of a person during my teens nor am I now even after being 30. Since the time I was mature enough to understand, I was clear about the set of people whom I liked and the other ones who didn't matter much to me. The biggest problem here was, even if I wanted to pretend a fake smile the opposite person could easily know about it. So pretending was never a option for me.

The process was never that easy. I was judged as arrogant, rude, having attitude, thinking about myself as I am someone great, not friendly, etc. These were the adjective which have been mentioned to me by those people who are now closest to me. These were their thoughts about my personality when they didn't knew me.

Some of the drawback of failing to pretend to like people around are :
- Lots of negative publicity about your image by the people who barely know you.
- People don't accept your behaviour even if behave good with them. They feel it's for some personal benefit.
- Very few people who understand what your real personality is.
- You create biggest haters for yourself in your own house, because liking someone just beacuse he or she is your relative is not practically possible.

But over and above all possible drawbacks there are some amazing benefits of showing what you really like or don't like :
- You are a genuine person and will love yourself for it 
- You need not plan how to behave before anyone, you are what your are. Be with me if you like or stay away, choice is yours.
- You are a happy person, because you are mostly surrounded by the people you like.
- You are mentally at peace, because there is less of drama and more of comfort.

I am not propagating that if your don't like someone be rude to them or put them down, my point of view is, if you don't like someone just behave normal. Don't let their presence affect you. Part you ways from the negative vibes that affect your soul.


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