How to ensure your Kid learns what you Teach

A mother is child's first teacher. Whatever a baby learns, good or bad is always linked to mother's teaching. Being a mother, I know that feeling of onus to teach your child and making sure that he or she doesn't display any unaccepted behaviour before outsiders.But being a mother, I also know for the fact that no mother inculcates any bad habit to her baby, every mother wants the best for her baby. Then why is this gap between what we want to teach and what a baby learns? Is mother not a good teacher or baby not a good learner ? Let's find out.

There are different aspects which affects the entire teaching and learning process, due to which a child is not able to graps what a mother teaches. ( All the examples given are tried and tested examples of my 16 month daughter)

1. Method of teaching
Every child has a unique method of learning. Some like to just listen and learn, while some like to touch and feel things, some like to just observe and some would like to do all of it. Over the period, the biggest success in teaching anything to a kid is finding the method that works for him. For eg : My daughter likes to touch everything, it's only post that things get registered for her. The time I identified this making her teaching anything became easy. 
2. Child's area of interest
When we were kids, even we had our area of interest, somethings which we always loved to learn whether in mood to study or not. Find out what your kid likes the most and which things are not much preferred. When the kid is fresh start with the area of least interest and then gradually proceed to what he likes the most. For eg : my daughter likes to learn vocabulary and coloring, she is a little impatient playing games like stacking, sorting or magnetic games. So I always start with stacking or sorting and when she's disinterested I start with coloring or teaching her things at home or body parts or anything where she can touch and feel.
3. Timing of teaching
Like we have sleep clock, I feel we have even study clock. Some kids like to study in morning, some in afternoon and some at night. Teach them when they want to learn as per their timings. If the timings need to be shuffled, let it be a gradual process and not overnight. For eg : Aaradhya is usually in learning mood before her sleep timings and during her food timings. I don't support distraction feeding, but she being a energetic kid and wanting some activity continuously, I started giving her stacking (which she didn't like much before) during her meal times and we are successful in learning to stack one hole and two hole shapes.

4.Repetition and Revision
We all remember Alphabets and numbers though we have studied them during pre-school. The reason is simple, because we have been repeatedly using them everyday. As kids are exposed to new things on daily basis, repetition of what's taught and revising to ensure better registration is necessary. For eg : I make sure to review the basic body parts and things in the house on daily basis. Whenever I teach her a new thing I try to teach the same thing for 3 days in a row so it helps are connect and memorize better.

5. Patience to teach
Patience is the key to success and that applies to every field. Teaching in no different. Patience is terms of engaging the kid to learn, ensuring registration of what's taught, conceptualization, etc. Kids are inquisitive and get bored easily. Parents need to be patient while teaching and need to change the topic once the baby starts losing interest. Forced learning doesn't help bring out he desired results. For eg : There was a time when Aaradhya loved books but suddenly the interest was lost. Initially I kept trying hard, but then I realised she needed a change and after a break she's back to books.

6. Age appropriate teaching
We all feel our kids are big enough to grasp whatever we teach, but that's not the case. A child's mind is developing daily and hence teaching them things appropriate to their age helps them learn faster. Every child is different and hence every child learns different things at different age. Teaching anything before age or after age will not interest them.For eg : Aaradhya is good at coloring since she is 12 months. She holds a pen just like an adult but on the other hand she shows less interest when asked to identify a color. She loves colors but doesn't identify them. But we keep teaching her daily.

Keeping the above points in mind, leaning will become fun-filled for the mother and child. A mother is a best teacher a child can get and a child always learns better with her mother as she understands her kids need the most. It's just some small changes that need to be worked upon to get the best Teacher Student combo.


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